
Sunday, November 18, 2012

M.I.A...and a freebie....

Yes, I have been "Missing In Action".  Action being school work.  I'm sure every one of you wonderful teachers can relate.  What do I do the minute my vacation starts?  More teacher stuff of course!  I'm lucky that my personal kiddos are at the age where they would rather I not be around so much (which is why I like to be around even more--HA!), I can find a minute, hour, few hours late into the night to surf the web for inspirations and great ideas to make my work easier, more interesting and colorful!  My kiddos at school, however, need me the entire day....UGH!  :)

For now I've posted a little something in my TPT store AND I'm offering you a little freebie to boot!  Click on the picture to head to the goods.

Here's a little freebie.  It's a multiple representations chart that I like to use with my 2nd graders.  They not only have to show the number and write the number in expanded notation, but they also have to decide where the number belongs on the number line and justify why they put it there.  Click the pict to download a FREE copy.

Hope this is something you can use!

Together for Our Kids,